On Saturday 9th March 2019, Uttoxeter Rugby Club held a memorial fundraiser match in memory of the late Matthew Shaw, who sadly passed away in 2018. We are pleased to announce that a staggering total of £1237.36 was raised from the day and all proceeds have very generously been donated to the Dove Service.
Matthew was the husband of Lisa Enderby-Shaw and they had been married for 12 years and together for 21 years. Lisa comments “Matthew was a fantastic husband and an amazing Daddy to our two small children, Florence, 6, and Frank, 3. My husband silently battled with his mental health, only displaying unsettling symptoms a week before he passed. Matthew sadly lost his battle on 13th June 2018, aged 38, leaving us all devastated”.
Lisa goes on to say that it was her husband’s cousin, Johnathan Gordan and his wife, Lisa, who had the idea of organising a memorial match at Johnathan’s local club, Uttoxeter Rugby Club. Lisa would like to express her gratitude to both of them for organising and to pass on her thanks for making the day so successful.
Between them, they approached many local businesses and friends for raffle and auction donations to help raise additional funds on the day. One donation included two signed Stoke City photographs, including one of the late Gordon Banks, donated by a good friend of Lisa’s, Will Boughey. These photographs alone contributed to raising an amazing £260.00 from the auction. Lisa would also like to thank Howdens Joinery Ltd for their very generous donation of £100 to the Dove Service.
Following the fundraiser, Lisa comments “we are absolutely over the moon with the total amount of money that we have raised; it’s just blown us away”.
Lisa would like to pass on a special thanks to Johnathan & Lisa Gordan; to Uttoxeter Rugby Club Chairman, Nigel Titterton and Club President, Paul Bain; this would not have been possible without them. Lisa would also like to pass on her thanks to all of her and Matthew’s friends and family who donated, attended and made the day so special.
The match unfortunately ended in defeat for Uttoxeter against Shrewsbury, however that didn’t mar the day and after holding a minute’s silence on the pitch in memory of Matthew prior to the match, the support shown from players, supporters and friends and family of Lisa Enderby-Shaw outshone the result.
On behalf of the Dove Service, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Lisa and her family for doing such a wonderful thing to remember her late husband, and for also thinking of our charity at such a difficult time.
Lisa has kindly forwarded a few photographs through from the day; including their last family photo before Matthew sadly passed away.