We are open for face to face appointments and remote appointments are still available. Our Dove Buddies groups are up and running in multiple locations and we have a new weekly Bereavement Support Group in Burslem

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

What are cookies? –  Web browser cookies are small pieces of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies are used to help keep track of your preferences and selections so that there is no need to reconfigure those settings after repeat visits.

Can I choose whether to allow cookies? – You can choose whether to accept or decline cookies during your first visit to our website. No personal data is collected via our website, if you would still prefer to disable cookies you can do so However, disabling cookies may disrupt the functionality of some websites.

Alternatively, you can configure your cookie settings in the preferences section of your preferred browser. If you would like to learn more about cookies, you can do so by clicking on the aforementioned link.

If you would like to contact us regarding our cookie policy, you can do so here.


What cookie formats do we use?

Strictly Necessary

Strictly Necessary Cookies are cookies that are put in place for optimum browser functionality, this means that any settings or preferences configured on the site by the user will be recorded, this is for the convenience of not having to reconfigure those settings with each repeated visit.

This data is solely used to enhance the user’s experience when navigating a website, cookie data is collected anonymously, no personal data is stored on our server. You still have the option to decline cookies although blocking cookies may affect the functionality of some websites.

Third Party Cookies

This website utilises Google Analytics, a web service offered by Google that tracks and reports on web traffic coming in to our site. This data is collected from our site by Google and processed in to an ongoing series of reports that allows us to see view stats on page visits, repeat visits, most popular pages and how people found our site. This helps us to determine which sections of our website are attracting the most interest and which sections need improving.

All data collected is done so anonymously, no personal information is attached to any data that’s stored,