We are open for face to face appointments and remote appointments are still available. Our Dove Buddies groups are up and running in multiple locations and we have a new weekly Bereavement Support Group in Burslem

Alleviating Isolation Group (NEW)

We are pleased to announce the launch of our *NEW* weekly support group ‘Alleviating Isolation’ for adults who have been affected by grief and loss and who may be struggling with the impact of COVID-19.

The group will be held every Wednesday from 1.30pm to 2.30pm online via Zoom and will be facililitated by our counselling team  who are currently supporting those affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. After listening to the effects the pandemic is currently having on our clients, we have noticed there is a shared feeling of isolation and anxiety as a result of COVID-19 and, therefore, we hope by launching this group it will help to alleviate these feelings.

During the weekly sessions delivered via Zoom, we will offer a safe place for people to explore their thoughts and feelings around isolation and anxiety and will be helping to build a ‘resilience toolkit’ to support people who have been affected through these difficult and unprecedented times.

At our first group session this week, we aim to explore ‘the circle of control and influence’ – we recognise that the pandemic has and continues to be an anxious time for many people, making us feel that things are spiralling out of control.  By exploring this exercise it will allow you to acknowledge your concerns, enabling you to focus on the troubles that are within your control, letting go of those outside of your control. We will also be introducing breathing exercises which will help you to restore some calm and order.

Each week our counselling team will be focussing on a different theme, giving attendees useful exercises to take away with them to do as and when you feel they are appropriate.

To register your interest in attending the group on any Wednesday, you will need to contact us on Tel.  01782 683155 OR Email [email protected] and our team will then provide a link to join via Zoom.

Please note: This group is open to adults aged 18+ residing within Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Cheshire and the Wirral area.

To access additional information on our specialist grief and loss support for adults who have been affected by COVID-19, click HERE