Have you ever listened to the safety demonstration on an aeroplane? When the stewards demonstrate putting on the emergency oxygen masks they always say that you should fit your own mask before attempting to help anyone else.
This is the principle of self care. If you don’t look after yourself you will struggle to help others.
People often confuse self-care with selfishness but the two things are very different. Being selfish means that you lack any consideration for others and are mainly focused on your own needs/desires, often at the cost of others.
But having self care is about putting your mental, emotional and physical health at the top of your priority list, and learning to be kind to yourself.
As the saying goes ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’!
If you are struggling with certain elements of self care, or would like to develop your self care further, we hope that you will find the information and worksheets on this page useful.